Onna Dem Weeks?
...well, it feels a little bit odd to be typing up my blog post while Sunday's not yet over--really been a pretty relaxed one, as it is; slept a bunch, made red-currant/blueberry pancakes + scrambled eggs (encore recipes, yes), read, sketched a little, and goofed around. However, I have an event in the evening to attend, so I think this change can be excused.

*sigh* yes, darkly-salty-side-of-me, it can. It's my blog, and I have my reasons for doing things
(which you likely know none of)


...some fights you just can't win.
Regardless, as I was saying re: this past week -- it was...an interesting one. Odd, I guess--I felt a lot of changes (internal and external), wavered a bit in my firmly resolved areas (e.g. diet, work, and bedtimes)--but I was surprised by how I handled it. My usual reaction to things not going ezACKly as planned? Drop my mood like it's hot, give up on everything, and swing to extremes. But I *didn't* do that this time around--I dealt with failures on my part, and kept moving, and...was ok with it, if you understand what I mean.
...Kinda proud of it, actually.

...so I guess that was the "general feel" of the week--and actually, now that I look back, good stuff happened, and I *was* consistent across a fair amount of fronts.
Linguas: I got in all of my French, did arabic (alphabet is more complicated than previously thought, but I'm still plugging--and enjoying the left-to-right deal), and continued learning bits and pieces of ASL. *signs "whatever"*
Academe: The biology review is coming along--it's been awhile, and I'm really enjoying actually understanding cellular functions (WHEE rough ER anyone?), stuff like that (taking my time to really soak it up). Found a really good physics review series from Khan Academy--

...so that's been, um, nice. Kinematics ftw. Chemistry is being a little mind-blowing--the last course I did kinda rushed through a bunch of stuff, so heading into orbitals is starting to blow my mind. Atoms, man...oh, and plugging my way through math review. Shortchanged almost every area in this category at one time or another this week--because I realized I hit a wall after awhile, and the importance of sleep was primary. And...learning to do that again was good.
*another blow against my perfectionism*
Being-An-Adult: The amount of stuff I want/need to take care of in this category seems to multiply faster than tribbles in a heap of wheat. *bell dings for 2nd Trek reference* no, really--it was alright, though. Did swim coaching, managed finances, scheduled a ton of final animal work junkets, etc etc etc. I *would* say I'm proud of it, but I know salty-side-of-me is just waiting for that.

...? Ok, wasn't expecting that response--

--for crying out loud, MOVING ON
Personal Development (ooh that's a good way to phrase this vague category):
This was a good week for this category, actually. Brain was really active in churning out ideas and thoughts--minus the 2 a.m. ones--and did a lot of pondering (I guess?). Worked on some fun art stuff--little cartoon-ish girl sketch, a miniature polymer clay bean plant (I'd forgotten how I liked to play with the stuff, though I am a little bit rusty), and just started a new little sewing project on an old glove cuff--don't know what it's shaping up to be, but it's rather nice and fun. Also read/observed some good art (via Pinterest and "Modern Painting" book I'm going through); I'm starting to amass my own little army of art collective books (is that what they're called?)--

Music was also pretty good--learned a new piece or two on acoustic, starting to hafta acknowledge my need for learning new chords (or a capo, that'd be great too). Singing a lot more--in my tone-deaf, warbly way--now that I'm playing more with moosiks.
Reading continues--eating (figuratively) my way through The Spy, I Was a Dancer (biography of NYCB dancer Jaques d'Amboise), Siege of the Soul (by James Earl Massey, out of print I think), C.S. Lewis's The Four Loves, et al. Good stuff in general. (also, working my way through the newest issue of Bliss Victoria -- yes, that Victorian, antique side of me)
Found out the value of sleep (after a few late nights that rekt me the next day)--so I'm now all caught up with my circadian rhythms, and a bit more resolved to make that a bigger focus.
I didn't get in a lot of extra exercise this week--my nightly ab challenges are starting to amp up, though, and I can really start to feel the difference. The trick is to just do them, especially before you convince yourself you're too tired. Got in a basketball practice here and there, I think. Going to try and do more dance and swim this upcoming week, so yee.
...Alrighty, we know what it's time for now!

...Ok, I knew you'd be back.

...and I'm still gonna do my weekly segments, so no point in continuing this irrelevant blather...



--Really? Knew there was something to all of those flat-earth Pinterest boards I stumbled on earlier...

--I mean--
Um, ok, let's just do this, and then go get ready for the party.


Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): Lovely, expensive, well-made, embellished fountain pens like such below.

(I love inky, elegant writing and sketching with these. Hot diggety dawg, they ain't cheap though)
Brain Fruit: This stuff has been literally POURIN OUTTA MAH BRAIN this week; I now have to keep an open memo in phone for it, just to get it all. This week's was kinda whimsical and fun--
I like the idea of:
plopping, landing, alighting, breezing, stepping into a picture, and interacting there with it.
...is this a thing for anyone else? It can make imagery observation a whole lot more fun, in my opinion. ☺
Mewsiks: This was a bit of a toughie, 'cause this week was a rich one for tunes; I found a buncha new songs I liked, as well as oldies from fave bands...
But I think I'm gonna go with Switchfoot's 'When Was the Last Time'. Really fun little b-side piece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNigAxRZsck
Scripture: One I thought of for a friend, and stuck in my brain a bit--Matthew 10:16.

(quite the balance)
Somethin Oo Occured: The fam and I booked it to a showing of "Hidden Figures" yesterday together--and heebity jeebers, IT WAS GOOD. Highly recommended. Loved it. (a tad vague on the science, and maybe a bit condescending/pandering in a teense few spots, but still loved it)
...and it was really nice to do something all together again. ✌✌✌
Lit Bit: Coincidentally, a book I've been reading for a bit now--



...ok, I need a break, brah. Too much to think on there.
Gimme a Visual: Been thinking of/craving a lot of nature lately, and this shot really, really captures a moment I'd like.

Is That Really Funny?: Even I'm questioning this one, but yes. Yes it is. In an incomprehensible, dumb, and dank sort of way.

*sigh* adult life for the win
Artsy Larksey: I very much so like the texturing in this little paint splurb--and the color mix actually made me say "yES" out loud.

*considers pulling paints out of bottom of art box*
Nom: And here we feature a majoor weakness of mine--key lime cheesecake. I could eat it till I get sick--

...not that I'd ever admit to such a thing, no, not adult and responsible at all nosiree

...now quit that UR RUINING MY POST

--got other things I need to be doing than arguing with myself, c'mon.

....and, before this goes any further, goodbye. Hope your week's a good one, with regulated sodium intake (UNLIKE ME)

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