New Year, Made it Here (life update)

Well, hEllo, and welcome to the first blog post of 2017! Happy New Year!✌💢💫👏💥🙌😆
...Still feels weird to say, but I like the feel of the new year already. 2017 is going to be...very good, I think. Not sure how or why--and there's still gonna be tough stuff going on, I can tell very well--but I'm looking froward to it. And hey--even with the junk that went on in 2016 (as any year has), it was still a year I got to live (and many didn't, and I need to appreciate that); and there was a lot of good, lead-ups, and God at work. Just sayin'. 😃
--Nowww, back to work! (or the blog post. Either, really)

Anyhow, I write this 2 days into the new year, sitting in my tattered vintage green-and-rose chair (accompanied by black cat) my rather messy room. Messy for good reasons, though, because ::surprise:: I now have a big old loft bed 😯 --that's right, in an interesting turn of events, I've traded "my" (read: Big-Brother's-till-I-stole-it-while-he-was-at-college) queen-size bed back to said brother, and gained a loft bed from a family friend (who didn't need it); and it's working out really, REALLY well so far. I can fit my desk under it, the room's so much bigger-feeling and better lit, I can fit my favorite tables and *2* chairs into it, and I'll be able to finally fulfill my preference for snoozing in high-up places. Still organizing my junk scattered all around the room from the bed-assembly and stuff, but it's getting there and should be done by the end of the week. Gonna get a mattress tomorrow, which is great (been sleeping on the couch for a bit, which's...not quite so great). Looks a bit like this, except without any slats on the bottom:

...and no big wooden cabinet thing, more of a modish build, and no crosspieces on the top slats.
So, yay! Quite the blessing, and I'm starting to really like the emerging arrangement. 👌
this isn't happiness™ - photo caption contains external link

On to other things--New Years Eve was really pretty nice; as a family, we all chilled, talked memories/thoughts/hopes pertaining to 2016 and 2017 (I was that person who ends up with a 5-page list of resolutions *sigh*), made a fire (the heat is getting kinda lax in our house), ate a nice dinner together (lamb, bread, choco chip cookies, and other such fare), and goofed off a bit, as well. Ended up not getting to bed until about 5 a.m. (nobody's fault but my own, and hey, it was New Years', what else would I do? 💣)--and woke up around 1 the following day. 😝
New Years' Day was also pretty chill--sort of a transition day from old ways, old stuff, to new--which was nice. Slept, ate a lot, organized my room more, planned my calendar, and caught up on my Bible reading *almost--still have a little to finish before I'm done with todo del Biblia* O.o
--and that brings me to near the end of today, the first weekday of the first week of the first month of the new year. And it was GOOD. *faceplants happily into giant imaginary cupcake*
...Really, it was. Woke up early (even though slightly groggy from 2 a.m. bedtime), got up/ready/down to business and chores, fasted from solid food (just a nice way to re-clear the decks for the new season), and... was really productive and enjoyed it. Devotions were good, the desk space is really shaping up, got in all of my segments and responsibilities (save for a few I'm gonna tackle after I write this up), followed resolutions and rules and specifications....I'm *REALLY* happy with it. 😄

And now, with this being a nice, simple, concise segment, we move on to the weekly segments--
But OHO! We've got a guest featured on some of these, too, ta make it *expeckshially* exciting for the New Year! That's right, welcome to: Our Weekly Segments (Ft. Malaysia)!
(that's Malaysia as in my brilliantly lovely and intelligent, basketball comrade, close friend and dear redhead Malaysia! Courtesy of a coffee date today, I've included a few of her inputs in here!)
Heeeere we go!
Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet):
--According to Malaysia, a trip to Ireland! (which I wholeheartedly concur with, having been there. It's the best.) "I'd see castles and sheep" --couldn't have said it better (saw those while I was there; almost ran over one of the latter hehe). Also, a small microwave. (Yay!) 

Brain Fruit: An epiphany, very compelling-- "curly hair shampoo doesn't *make* your hair's meant for curly hair." #word 😀 

Mewsiks:  Malaysia's especially enjoyed the Star Wars theme song; specifically, from the movie The Force Awakens TADAAAA! YES. IS GOOD. LISTEN!

Scripture: Her favorite at the moment is James 3:9-10, referring to the power of words, the tongue, and what we speak--
"With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers,[a] these things ought not to be so."
...worthwhile, as we discussed starting the new year, and the power of our words.

--here ends the segments Ft. Malaysia! (we chatted about other things besides bloggo, of course)--
(thanks hun 😗)

Somethin Oo Occured: Oh, this is easy--I *finally* got to catch up with my dearest Malaysia today, for a coffee date @ Panera! One mocha, some computer work and reading, and lots of talking later, we had a really, really good time; talking about everything and anything, seeing how we were and how we've changed, one-on-one. Man, I love that girl--and being her friend. She's the best. ❤

Lit Bit: Currently am re-reading (never actually finished) The Spy, by James Fenimore Cooper--and I'd thoroughly recommend it already. I love good, classical (but seriously witty and well-done) books to savor, and this one definitely is it. 
The Spy by James Fenimore Cooper, ...
*inhales old papery book scent* yessssssss

Gimme a Visual: 
"what's your new years resolution"
Clark Kent look alike Finley Crombell need a gastrointerologist but balked at the idea. Now the world suffered .... in silence it seemed.:
"...okey then" 😛

Is That Really Funny?: ...actually, yes. Funny enough to make me snort.

*shcnerk* thanx twitter 

Artsy Larksey:
"Lunar Fruit", by J.P. Ormiston.
"Lunar Fruit" Art Print by J.P Ormiston on Society6. I LOVE GRAPEFRUIT:
eee synesthesia yaay

Nom: Since I'll probably be breaking my fast with soup tonight, why not--
 Asian Chicken Noodle Soup by #recipesworthrepeating:

..Alright, and with that, we conclude this first post o da year. Not too bad, not too dank--
Ok, well, anyhow, Happy New Year to all of ye. Let's go, do this, be inspired, etc...
thank you, squidward. you've inspired me to achieve my lifelong dream of being a professional dabber.:

...well, this is gonna be a rad year, for sure.

TILL LATER, PEEPS! *tap dances across giant Oreo*
~Ye Hans to the Nah


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