Arbol Thots

...Well, here we are, for our weekday post--which, granted, might be quicker and less assembled, due to the work I'm trying to get done. It "goes on and prospers", of course; things are a bit crazy and varied at times, but going okay nonetheless. I need more sleep (as usual), so am feeling the pull of that and things-to-do.
(will I ever not start off a blog post with something dank and/or slightly creepy? *sigh*)

--Anywho, wanna play around with an odd little prompt/concept sitting in my list of "blog ideers":

~sitting in a pine tree in my head.~

ready-set-go *trips over black-and-white checkered racing flag we didn't know was there*, granted, our typical NC pines aren't exactly the most welcoming when it comes to climbing or comfortable seating. Believe me, I've tried--round, thick trucks with crunchy flakey bark, a bit of slant on almost all occasions, and brittle, high-up branches make them more of a non-negotiable. No, what I think I was more going for there was the idea of sitting up there--not as in "I-made-it-here-yay-what-a-conqueror", but the feeling of being quietly up-and-away from things; perched in an unusual, but uncontested spot, seeing things go on below...
(perhaps with a bit of a vantage like this, although who'd complain about that?)

As a kid, there was always something drawing me to climb and sit on top of things-- whether natural, like magnolia trees (BEST climbing tree out there, in my opinion, followed closely by oaks) and hills and cliffs and rocks; or, perhaps, just things in general, like cars, the fridge, banisters, roofs, and...electrical boxes.

vintage photograph - workman on a tea break, sitting on the roof of a delapitated building.
...Apparently, the last one wasn't quite so safe. Actually, make that the last 5 items on that list. :-P
And yeah, there were amusing incidents in conjunction with my adventures; sometimes, perhaps, pulling a classic cat move and going up, but refusing fearfully to come down ("IT'S SO HIGH AHH") ("Well why didn't yOU THINK OF THAT BEFORE??"), or the obligatory scrapes, cuts, and bruises (I don't blame any of my 10 broken bones on height-related things, but that's another story). Normal stuff that comes with the territory, really.
The Alps
(well, not the bones)
Still, I loved finally being at that height (after scrambling for it), perhaps with the company of another daring little friend, or myself, blinking like a curly little owl around my surroundings.

(WISH I could climb such as that, but nope. At least, not yet *smiles at thought*)

--That urge, as time went on, kept me giddily happy at the thought of airplane window seats, mountain hikes, high hotel floors, 30 m diving pools, coasting the galaxy, and loft beds (that last one finally being fulfilled recently). I dream of a small, high-up little house of my own from time to time, thanks to that urge. My dreams are enlivened--and made memorable by--those in which I'm impossibly high or achieving that goal (perhaps with a bit of flying in the bargain).
Drone view of Vladivostok Bridge in Russia /// <a class="pintag" href="/explore/travel/" title="#travel explore Pinterest">#travel</a> <a class="pintag" href="/explore/wanderlust/" title="#wanderlust explore Pinterest">#wanderlust</a>
It made me the odd--though funny and noticeable--girl goose-stepping and scraping and jumping her way up curb steps and concrete fixtures, around obstacles and balconies, perching over fences or a high building's ledge. It got me to flirt with balance beams, rope courses, trapeze lines, and parkour. It's partially what made me an adrenaline junkie with state-fair rides and roller coasters--the higher, the better--and maybe what I use to justify my occasional seats on the roof, just outside of my bedroom window.
find solitude, even if you have to go up on the roof
(hey, it's comforting, calm, surrounded by pine-needle-laden branches and chirruping birdses going about their business--and the roof's decently strong. I think.☺)

...In short, seeing something tall, climbable, or perch-able continues to be one of the things (relatively few in number) that brings a gentle smile to my face, and a slight glint to my eyes.
Glass Skywalking Around Tianmen Mountain, China <a class="pintag searchlink" data-query="%23darleytravel" data-type="hashtag" href="/search/?q=%23darleytravel&rs=hashtag" rel="nofollow" title="#darleytravel search Pinterest">#darleytravel</a>
 Perhaps it could be classified as a general thing for heights (though I like to thing there's more wrapped up in it for me than that). It's part escape, yes--getting above and ahead and free of the usual, I suppose--

...and getting a bit of fun in you, as well.
Who would you jump with?! Stunning capture of the Blue Pools near lake Wanaka by @agphotofr:

...and being observing, calm, sequestered away. Above-yet-still-a-part-of. Who knows. A part of me looks forward to the unlimited joy of that in heaven, and what that'll be like -- if we have these little heights down here that bring me so much joy, what's it gonna be like then? 
High line
either way, that's what ~sitting in a pine tree in my head~ ends up being to me. Even though I can't do it in real life as much as I'd wish--regardless of being an 'adult' or whatever--just the thought's enough to bring a bit of a whiff of the experience and feeling of it.

Till later, then--the work calls, the relationships and things here on this plane of existence beckon--but a bit of me holds that feeling captive, and waits for the chance to venture forth from my pine-tree surrounded fortress--
--and do it again.

(maybe you'll do it with me too, sometime. Why not?)



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