
Showing posts from November, 2016

A Different Sort of Grateful

Inundations of gratitude --an accurate descriptor of my life at most times. 😃 ( obligatory pretty gif, cause this is gonna be a nice post, I swear) Here I am, tippy-tapping away with a laptop ( crazy, how I can have one endowed with access to so much ), with my casual clothing and face recently wiped of makeup  (wowza, I have the skill AND means to enjoy and use those?)  and messy hair  (which I, once again, have and like in its messy brown biracial unpredictability) , having eaten an incredible meal with brilliant, intelligent people while listening to lovely music on a rooftop in Mexico... 😮 I could go on, but--oh, laying it on a bit thick, am I? Yeah, that's kind of the point. HAUUUDDD up raht there, yeah, this looked like it was gonna be another semi-sentimental, attempting-to-be-whimsical-and-fresh Thanksgiving post, ey? *SHCNAP*  herherher ...Not that I have anything at all against those types of posts; in fact, I've seen (and enjoyed) a lot of them...


HEYATHURR PUDDINHEADS! (I actually don't know why I'm starting out with such a declaration; if you do not prefer to identify with aforementioned, um, noggins of mousse , don't...feel pressured to...?) man, already a mess here --Howzit goin'?? Well, today's felt mildly crazy, thanks for asking! (actually wasn't, but you know what? This blog is oBVIOUSLy here to validate my feelings, all my feelings, and nothing but the feelings, so DEAL WITH IT) 😫 (who am I even getting mad at) *ugh*😬 ..Yeah, so it's felt sort of crazy. Didn't get to bed until late last night (as in 4 a.m. 😨), so waking up was a leeetle bit harder than usual. Got up, pulled my packing list together, was informed that we're only bringing a carry-on and a personal bag...which kinda rekt my list, to say the least 😣 -- so plans changed accordingly. Spent 1/2 an hour coordinating outfits, jewelry, and apparel with Mum (exhausting but at least it's DONE), then worked on ge...

(t)Rollin' Up a Yoooonder!

..Yes, the theme continues. Sorry. (what have I become?)😔😌😲 #trollface Este bloggo (not even an actual word en espanol , yes, I know) is gonna be (a) short [most of them have been, to be honest] , and (b) tardy, since things are currently flying at 100 miles/hour as I near the 48-hour mark for mi viaja a Mexico. (ERGH PROCRASTINATING WAS NOT THE BEST IDEA I'VE EVER HAD)  Anyways--as a result, I'll throw this together now, and post it Monday, for some #timewarp. I'm already looking at a 3:45 a.m. bedtime, at the very least. There's just sO DOGGONE MUCH TO DO RIGHT EZACKLY NOW, if you know what I mean. Welcome to the SparkNotes version of my Sabbath... 😛 Today (as in Sunday) was actually quite enjoyable, and rather eventful; church was reallly good (despite my striving to remove MORE broccoli from my sockets for at least 1/2 an hour😖), and I managed to run into one of mah old dance friends, Mer 😊😊😊--we had a pleasantly gleeful and zany 3-5 minute chat as we ...

(t)rollin Continues + Proper Things Pt II? (maybe)

Welp, the (t)rollin continues, just like the blog keeps rolling. Merhehreherher ☝ (ok, yeah, I'm really enjoying the stupid titles I can continue to come up with in this trope) #h8rsbackoff ...anyhow, yes. Here I sit, on le red leather couch (after valiantly resisting the urge to nap, multiple times *flexes* ), with my top50 playlist filtering through a little speaker, and alternatively eating broccoli with mayonnaise (THE ONLY PROPER WAY TO EAT IT IN MY OPINION YES IT'S WEIRD NO I DON'T CARE), a blueberry-yoghurt-shake of sorts, and cheese sticks. Also running my tongue around my gums, which are feeling...well, I don't know, weird. ( like the past 5 days , amirite ) uGH BROCCOLI BIT STUCK GUMS ANNOYING EW MOMENT PLZ --sorry. Problem, um, removed. Where was I? Oh, yah--my empty tooth sockets are doing pretty good, I guess, but really annoying me with how tight and strange they feel after the swelling and pain and whatever's gone down. I've progesse...

Still Rolling With It...?

Yeahp, I guess we still are rolling. With this "rolling" theme, that is...? Ok. Salutationz! We're on to day 4ish (or so) of recovery! Wheeeee-- SO. VERY. ME RIGHT NOW. Puffy cheeks and surreal isolation and all. #lit ...anyhow, yes, here I am. The rest of yesterday was nothing too crazy--fighting the urge to try and be productive (I have so many things I could shoehorn myself into doing right now) was a big thing. It's an inverse relationship, really; the more I chill and don't do things right now, the more "on it" I'll be next week in Mexico. Still, it's a struggle. (also, yeah, I've been eating a lot of refrigerated bananas to soothe my jaws, so... #potashiumm) *also, don't watch that gif for too long, or it'll do things to your head What else was yesterday? I did sleep a fair amount, consumed lots of ice cream and soft cheesy pasta and cheese sticks, watched some TNG (which I was a bit disappointed with, after TOS), calme...