A Different Sort of Grateful
Inundations of gratitude --an accurate descriptor of my life at most times. 😃 ( obligatory pretty gif, cause this is gonna be a nice post, I swear) Here I am, tippy-tapping away with a laptop ( crazy, how I can have one endowed with access to so much ), with my casual clothing and face recently wiped of makeup (wowza, I have the skill AND means to enjoy and use those?) and messy hair (which I, once again, have and like in its messy brown biracial unpredictability) , having eaten an incredible meal with brilliant, intelligent people while listening to lovely music on a rooftop in Mexico... 😮 I could go on, but--oh, laying it on a bit thick, am I? Yeah, that's kind of the point. HAUUUDDD up raht there, yeah, this looked like it was gonna be another semi-sentimental, attempting-to-be-whimsical-and-fresh Thanksgiving post, ey? *SHCNAP* herherher ...Not that I have anything at all against those types of posts; in fact, I've seen (and enjoyed) a lot of them...