(I actually don't know why I'm starting out with such a declaration; if you do not prefer to identify with aforementioned, um, noggins of mousse, don't...feel pressured to...?)
man, already a mess here

--Howzit goin'?? Well, today's felt mildly crazy, thanks for asking! (actually wasn't, but you know what? This blog is oBVIOUSLy here to validate my feelings, all my feelings, and nothing but the feelings, so DEAL WITH IT) 😫
classic alien
(who am I even getting mad at)
..Yeah, so it's felt sort of crazy. Didn't get to bed until late last night (as in 4 a.m. 😨), so waking up was a leeetle bit harder than usual. Got up, pulled my packing list together, was informed that we're only bringing a carry-on and a personal bag...which kinda rekt my list, to say the least 😣 -- so plans changed accordingly. Spent 1/2 an hour coordinating outfits, jewelry, and apparel with Mum (exhausting but at least it's DONE), then worked on getting other stuff out, as well as eating leftovers from yesterday's Early ThanksgivingπŸ‘Œ--before cleaning my mouth out and running to a dentist check-up in Sanford for my wisdom teeth.
...aaand, basically, all good. Really short check-up. My fast healing rate and/or decent pain normalization have played their proper parts, and basically, all I have are some holes in the back of my mouth. No swelling issues, extra pain, dry sockets, nerve aggravations, jaw problems, or any other complications, it seems. Got a few more weeks before the holes actually close up (and sTUFF QUITS GETTING STUCK BACK THERE *murgh*)...so. Yah. Another surgery/injury/whatever down. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„*fist pump*
Image result for funky duck vulfpeck
Feelin like a #funkyduck here 😎
...Drove home from that while also making lots of phone calls (which I dislike, but sometimes they're necessary) to try and get a vet appointment set up for the Pipper cat--who is currently having rapid weight loss, coughing, mouth problems, congestion, and what seems like could possibly be an abdominal mass. 😞 While I hope it's nothing serious, she is *pretty* old (as in between 15-17 years, which is ancient if you consider her semi-feral state as an alley cat before), and has a plethora of potential aches and pains (a ton of missing teeth, a lot of stress, and a hull lot of other parts that are no doubt creaky and repair-needing). I hope she doesn't have to tap out yet, but she has had a decent time of it, so...we'll see. 😺
...after FINALLY making it home (with what seemed like endless stops for errands and whatever on the way), I made it home, finished pulling out almost all of my packing stuff, confirmed appointments, stuck a plate of cold turkey in the oven, dug through some computer errands, and crashed. For approximately half an hour (after telling myself I would for several hours before)πŸ˜‘
....aaaaand was prompty woken up by a phone call from my dad, who asked if I was available for emergency childcare; his small group's usual babysitter bowed out @ the last minute, and they needed someone for an hour or so.
when u hear a Nois n ur home alon:
(accurately dank, dankly accurate)
After approximately 5 seconds of going from "whAgh?-" to "but...well.." to "well, why not", I accepted. 'Cause #adventure, man.πŸ’ͺπŸ‘±πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¨πŸ‘©
...1 hour, 5 kiddies, and $13 later, I hotfooted it back home, threw (nOT LITERALLY CALM YOSELF) Piper into her crate, and headed off to le Veterinary Specialty Hospital of the Carolinas (a little gem I didn't even know existed, literally 10 minutes away from my house) for her emergency care visit. And, here I sit, just after that, tippety-tapping this entry out.
--Pipper Deets: Definitely some abdominal distention, as well as weight loss and some runny eyes/nose and breathing problems. Tbh, if we wanted to find more out, we'd need to get a proper bloodwork spread done on her, some x-rays and/or ultrasounds, and clear up a bit about what's going on. Nothing life-threatening as of yet, though; she's still in it, at least. Gonna take her back home, keep her on wet food and turkey till I get back, then book some proper appointments with regular vets. --Pipper Deets ended
...And man, am I tired. Made it home, and now I've gotta finish packing, finish these belated blog posts, get out a bunch of e-mails and texts, eat dinner #turkeyday, do moar spanish stuff, take care of the cats and ducks and Chips the tortoise, shower, take care of my teeth, prep important documents and details, outline petcare for dad, tidy the house up a bit, and pick out various small gifts.
*rubs eyes*

...thanx. Needed a bit of a break. Listening to my favorite music while I work also kinda helps.
In spite of it all, though, I'm enjoying the fun and craziness--I'm more used to that, in a lot of ways, than pure leisure. Not quite my thing, that.
Anyhow, yeah, I need to go actually DO all of those things now. For real. Also, I've been thinking of re-firing up my little Instagram account for art/music/thots/dance/whatever again--it'll make it easier to not have to stick it on the family one, and it'll also provide incentive to actually do the things. (just like this blog gives me incentive to write. Or whatever it is I do. Browz memez?)

EW LOOKA THAT accurate depiction of my blog in some ways tho? πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
...Ok, perhaps I need a nap. No, that's not a "perhaps", that's a DEFINITELY. Once I do enough things to justify rest in my unbalanced little brain.
I'll attempt to update as often as possible while in Mexico, but...no guarantees, I guess. I might outsource my Weekly Segments to The Bean (partially cause I'll be busy, partially in gratitude to her putting up with me this past week). Tentatively. We'll see.
Till later, chicos y chicas y patos y perros y gatos y tortugas y....
relatabell mucho thomasino sirrah

--ok, let's just go. I'm posting this at somewhere in the wee hours (should be the WHEEE hours amirite), I don't even know where my clock is. Gotta head out in a few of those hours. *giant sleepy sigh*
Take care out there. Tomorrow will be full of travel, who knows what'll go down, but...ADVENTCHA πŸ˜‰


~ms. me


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