Still Rolling With It...?

Yeahp, I guess we still are rolling. With this "rolling" theme, that is...? Ok. Salutationz! We're on to day 4ish (or so) of recovery! Wheeeee--
SO. VERY. ME RIGHT NOW. Puffy cheeks and surreal isolation and all. #lit
...anyhow, yes, here I am. The rest of yesterday was nothing too crazy--fighting the urge to try and be productive (I have so many things I could shoehorn myself into doing right now) was a big thing. It's an inverse relationship, really; the more I chill and don't do things right now, the more "on it" I'll be next week in Mexico. Still, it's a struggle.
Potassium Intensifies - GIF on Imgur
(also, yeah, I've been eating a lot of refrigerated bananas to soothe my jaws, so... #potashiumm)
*also, don't watch that gif for too long, or it'll do things to your head
What else was yesterday? I did sleep a fair amount, consumed lots of ice cream and soft cheesy pasta and cheese sticks, watched some TNG (which I was a bit disappointed with, after TOS), calmed myself after accidentally deleting the file with ALL OF MY BOOKMARKS :( ...thankfully, my memory banks are online, so I can go back to some sources, so I'll do that later. But STILL. IT WAS KINDA UPSETTING. I was trying to get off of my drugses some, too, so I didn't take very much of anything besides some ibuprofen/Tylenol during the day. Hence, I was sorta crabby and annoyed most of the day, and little things could tick me off. Tried to keep it under control, though.

dagnabbit, that's like the 2nd Waluigi meme this week, isn't it? UGH. Can't help it, I guess #dank 😎

and πŸ’«TOOODAYYπŸ’«: 
...Has (unsurprisingly!) been pretty uneventful. Texted with The Bean some -- (who is, once again, lovely for staying in contact with me and being nice to me during this time. Here's a picture of a scupture someone made for her in Chicago, just to be thankful)
The "bean" sculpture in one of my favorite cities - Chicago.  Has to be experienced first-hand to be appreciated.:
oooh ya see how MUCH ppl care about you, ya BEAN you?!? TOLD YOU SO
(also, ❤ you)
--also fed cats (who have been acting particularly harebrained lately and gotten on my nerves), tidied up my room and started putting away the clothes mom picked out for me at a discount designer event yesterday; side note--she got some realllllly good finds, like this dark, loose, indian-blue patterned blouse I REALLY like, a professional pink top, 2 AWESOME pairs of business slacks, 2 proper good designer coats that I love, and a scarf or two, I think. Thanks, mom. I don't mind the split pea soup now. πŸ˜‹
--I've also been very tired today, as well as irritated by metallic or clinkey or loud that's been pleasant. *swigs sarcasm* No, not really. Also, there's a house fire somewhere near the lake, so I've been smelling that smell. Which I don't like. Scents of burning everything -- carpet, plastic, wood, metal, appliances, etc -- and I hate it. Anyhow, yeah, I wasn't little miss pluperfect princess today. Maybe a tad grumpy.
...Ok, yeah, basically Eeyore. Murgh.
HowEEEVERRR *drum roll*, one of my best fraindss Befurnyy (who is basically my older blonde cool big sister), has come over to spend the day with me, which is jolly good of her. We can art, eat (we've eaten quite a lot already, actually), watch STAR TREKKK (yay!), whatever, really. Currently chilling together, on our big red couch, whilst she sketches (like a BOSS) and I blog. I iz glad to have someone here (and esPECIALLY her!), so mood is lifted. πŸ˜„
Am gearing up to have our family Thanksgiving this Sunday--since mum and I will be in Mexico for Thanksgiving week, we have to have our own private family nosh, primarily composed of stuff we want (and don't want to make for our Thanksgiving party the following Sunday). Still gotta think about that more--baklava is definitely on there, and more items will be added, no doubt. 😁
I've also got some animal ops (work/volunteer/service opportunities) brewing, so that's good and encouraging. Cat shelter stuff, conservator center volunteering (oOOH), vet shadowing/interviewing, practice observing, and maybe some other stuff. Details at 11, stay tuned.

aaaand my motivation to continue too much more with this post wanes by the moment...
...really trying here, I swear, but the Internet...
--So we're gonna knock out a few of our weekly segments, and call it a day.
Cool? Cool. Ok, here we go.

Is That Really Funny?: It...and..I...well, really don't know. It's dank, weird, kinda dark, but REALLY FUNNY TO ME. As in, I can't help looking at it without giggling maniacally. Just, the background behind it, and...well..yeah. I don't even know, man. πŸ˜‚
what is WRONG with me I don't know but bAAHAHAHAHAHA 😳 MOVING on

Artsy Larksey: featuring the swazzy snazzy BEFURNEY and her LOVELY GORGEOUS ARTTT
--for real, though, this girl has it all, and her skillz are sick, and...I'm just gonna indefinitely postpone any arting for awhile now. I mean, just LOOK AT THIS PIECE SHE DID.
Displaying IMG_20161117_190928.jpg
*cries and cries and cries* MY FRIENDS ARE THE BEST AT IT ALLL yeah, DEFINITELY had to feature that for my art this week. It's a finished piece she approved (I mean, EVERYthing she does is good). Full credit to Bethany Huss, Boss Artist In General. 😚
Ugh: After a few days of semi-grumpy (or surreal) recovery time, I'm DEFINITELY in the mood to have something to we're going with a biggie in the ugh category this week.
I have a personal pet peeve against squishy, partially-cooked eggs: most especially sunnyside-up eggs. (if you like them, my apologies, there's about to be major bashing) And yes, I've tried them in multiple forms, many times--and I still ABSOLUTELY DETEEEEEST them. Especially the runny yolk thing... erghh *shudders* And, to compound the dislike even more, I hate it when people take perfectly good food items (e.g. toast, avocados, veggies, pizza, and more)--and ruin them by splorpting half-cooked jiggly egg on top. Prime example, BELOW.
*ruffles fur* Ok, I'm done. Let's move on before I get even more annoyed than I already am. *sigh*

Well, till later, hooligans. I'm just glad I managed to get this post out, cause boi, I am ALL out of inspiration and motivation. For reals.
R a d
(gifs are real, gifs are love, gifs are life, gifs make my post seem much better and longer than it actually is) 

Ok, valete (pullin on the Latin here, ok?). Time for some Christmas music. (merhehrehrer) More updates to follow. Wheeee. 😡



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