So...Roll With It (Post-Op) :D


...Welp, that wasn't as big a deal as I thought it would be. Almost enjoyable.
Getting  my wisdom teeth removed-This is my main concern.
..Yeah, I just called the ripping out of 4 molars enjoyable (somewhat). :-P
Really, it wasn't too bad. Followed the usual pre-op procedures, so not dealing with a lot of problems...YET.
Babysitting beforehand, though (last junket of the year, 9-12) felt like forEVER. Full class of 10 kiddos (ages 2-5), 2 engaged in upset tantrum fits (*this* close to beating some sense into them, but noo), at least 2 = sick, and an explosive diaper episode (eugh). Not having any food or liquids before no doubt accentuated that.
*visions of tastiness floated thru my head*
forget manly, I want this:
*bloody drooling increases* Ok, ok, that's enough of that.
(This super easy Italian pasta salad is made with tomatoes, fresh mozzarella…)
OK SO...Got hooked up to the usual monitors (had fun making my bpm go up and down #control)--it appears my blood pressure is excellent *fist pump*. Got in an IV (pretty comfortable, not that painful), got rags and chair and stuff set up, and...had the surgery. The first few minutes after the IV were interesting, since my body is real sensitive to outward influences or bloodstream changes, so I had to kind of fight for control (and lucidity) on that. I have *no* idea what I might or might not have said while the doc got really underway (and the medium sedation knocked out my short-term memory and senses), but hey, couldn't be too bad, and I was pretty lucid (if not slow) afterwards. I can still feel the narcotics in my veins, but they're slowly seeping away. (throws me back to when I last had them in 2012, for my Jones' fracture surgery. Man, I was hopped up)
(surgery or no surgery, I need mah dank memes, dagnabbit!)
Whatever. So, came home after post-op recovery (real short, just a few minutes), got my stuff set up (stack of reading books, academe things, laptop + phone, comfy clothes and sox), and took a 1-2 hour nap; woke up several times in between to (a) replace gauze pads, (b) drink ice water and take antibiotics, and (c) choke and/or cough on extensive pools of saliva blood) (yeah, the obuprofen had a bit of an effect on platelets, soo #bloody #sinkfullared). Don't exactly enjoy the taste of blood, but it's winding down.
*brief intermission to slurp a few slurps of a yoghurt-blueberry smoothie from La Madre--thx, mom*
...I'll kick up the pain meds depending on how bad things feel when the local blocks wear off--feeling them now, but nothing unpleasant as of yet. Feeling pretty active, so gonna do some school stuff, languages (HA that's gonna be interesting "haffluffle flaffa phlflaa garcon fphille"), art or music or reading (I got a big stack of good 'uns next to the bed B-) ), etc. Still have to find Star Trek, but hey, I've got a whole week to do stuff. Maybe looking slighly forward to getting favorite squishy foods/things generally done for me/left alone B-)
Pusheen Gangnam style oh boy
#selfserving #notatall #nah #nowiwantpusheen
Oh, and sneezing/eating/coughing/laughing REALLY doesn't work at the moment. No surprise there. #psa
Alright, enough dumb deets about that, let's talk about something else before I lose interest. (thinking of Star Trek tho...)
// jeweledowl812 ✧:
SO concludes this section on le surgery. We'll update it later. Bright Important Fluorescent Warning, where ya at?
***END OF DISCUSSION ABOUT WISDOM TOOTH SURGERY ALERT ALERT SPOILERS also triggering is primarily for victims of PTSD so if you experience those symptoms see a doctor don't steal the term ***
--Thx brah. #doctorschild
...Anyhow, what else to talk about? The next two weeks are going to be pretty interesting, no doubt. Aside from this week, the Downtime Semana (week in Spanish, ya dumbo), I've got a few animal care orientations/volunteer chances to attend, a swim practice this Friday to coach, more belated birthday gifts to amass, a get-together or two ta plan, yadda yadda yaa. You get the point. HOLD UP 
*sniffs air*
dO I sMELl...ROASTING MUTTON?? Will have to go check that out l8r, I love me summa dat. (might be too chewy, tho. Urgh.)
As I wuz zayin'-- after Downtime Week, the fam and I will be having our own little Early Thanksgiving the Sunday of ThxGivin week b/c of mom and I's departure to Mexico during Thanksgiving. Time for one 'o' my favorite things--TRAVELLLLL
Guanajuato, Mexico II (Super long, crazy cool, labyrinth looking, tunnel in Mexico.):

*brief break to scarf some tylenol and ibuprofen in anticipation of the block wearing off*

so yeah, Mexico is going to be veryyy fun, I think. Looking forward to it--conference, cultural immersion, stretching my Spanish, sights...foodsss...blah blah bhurgh :D Bro and Dad are gonna likely spend Thanksgiving day up with my Grandma, so they'll be occupied then. Aaand then the day after mum and I return from Mexico, vamos a tener un fiesta. Un gran fiesta. Oyyyyeee yup, it's gonna be fun...and food-filled. B-) We basically cook ourselves out, clean out the house, turn up the music, and invite nearly everyone we know. (it's rad, as well as perhaps mildly exhausting) Classic Wubb bash, comin' at ya!
Mystics,Heretics,Carpetbaggers and Scalywags
...or, it might just be this. No guarantees. :-o
Alright, well that was today plus the next few weeks. We'll cover more later--oh, and I might as well do a couple of my weekly segments.
HOITETY TOIII, HERE WE GOO! Welllcome to this week's (reduced) selection! 👏👏👏 (why do I even still do this) (idk it's fun) (and it's not like ppl read it or whatever) (yeah, guess you're right)
*voices cease* O.o
Things I'd Like But (Probably) Can't Have (Yet):
Being (a) a serious Pusheen lover, (b) a longtime fan of jammie onesies (man, it was hard getting me to give them up as a kiddo), and (c) being incapacitated/in need of cuddly warmth-- I.LOVE.THIS:

~Pusheen Unisex Kigurimi onesie WITH POCKETS and EVERYTHING ELSE PERFECT O.o also happens to cost ~$60, so...yeah, definitely still a wish. :-/ (but a girl can wish, can't she?)

Mewsiks: Been dabbling in some old Anthem Lights stuff this week (heavily vocal-focused guy band, great at covers, lots of fun)--and still rather liking their cover of "Pompeii" from 2014. Plus, accompanying vid is pretty lolzy :) -- enjoy.      -->

Old, forgotten favorite from Psalms--such a simple bit (of a very long psalm), but full of a sense of freeness, wildness, fresh wind, and fast, unhindered running. :)
(being set free to freedom, and not to bondage? Mind blown, and spirit lifted) (also, as an athlete--YES)

...alright, gonna call it quits there. Will continue to update, of course--am kinda hungry now, though, and want to do other stuff now, so yep. Till later, h8rs. :D
I, Mudd
...heed the Kirk. Unless you're like me, and don't follow no Prime Directives. ☝☝
(wow, I literally just discovered the emoji keyboard on here, lil miss. 👅😐) #genius
Ok, au revoir. Make it worthwhile. (random reminder just 4 u, ya mattering human of great worth and uniqueness made in the image of God 😊)
#lifesatrip #andsoaremymeds #postsurgeryupdate



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