Que un Semana!

Oy vey.
...Even though this week wasn't technically a hugely crazy one, it somehow felt like it by the end. That was also likely compounded by my being exhausted for the first part of the week, and GETTING SICK FOR NO ABSOLUTE REASON on the weekend... *watches productivity levels drop*
american primitives
Anyhow, I'm not even getting this life update up on a Sunday, like usual; this past Sunday was rather busy (in an ok but departure-from-the-standard-way). Woke up, did church with Le Fam (didn't do kids' work since I was still technically sick, and there's a 48 to 72-hour contagion rule, I think)--was good. Went to store to get stuff, came home, frantically cleaned/cooked (we've gotten pretty good at this last-minute act, though perhaps we shouldn't be) because we were having a family friend--Ms. U--over for her 40th birthday. Actually turned out pretty good; appetizers of fruit and tomato-mozzarella caprese were had, much talking and laughter and updating was tossed around, spaghetti + sauce + cheese + eggplant Parmesan + kale salad was served, an INSANELY chocolatey cake was baked, and much enjoyment was had by all. After this, I had a quarter of an hour left (much less than anticipated) to do my makeup and outfit for family group; still, I barely got it off, and it actually turned out surprisingly well. (image of job is later on in this post) After an hour of chatting, hot dogs, question discussion, and feeling a little warm in my fur coat, I made it back home. Helped clean up, emptied trash, etc, etc. Still felt somewhat sick at that point....
Therefore, didn't make it to swim Monday. *sighs* I've been attempting to recover from...whatever it is I have, over the last two days. Been very unproductive/unhealthy,...and trying to cope with the perfectionist side of myself that's panicking over that. :-/ 
:;:;: brxkenscenes :;:;::
Anyhow, I'm going to gET THIS POSTED, regardless. A few updates On-My-Life, as I sit here listening to Lecrae's Anomaly. (an album that ended up growing on me. A lot of things seem to do that.)
Family--everyone's doing pretty well. Dad's getting into his writing and work and stuff again (YESS HE NEEDS TO), Mum's doing better w/ her back, and is getting back into work--as well as losing a lot of weight, so she's looking real good lately... inspiring me to get going on my own journey with more intensity! Le Bro is going through the usual madness at dook--but better, and working hard. God's got such big plans for him. I think he also had a midterm lately..?
photography tumblr Cool hipster vintage indie Grunge ok doc soft grunge:
Pets -- I...don't usually update on them, but, um...yeah, why not? Chunky is depressed, since his Boy/Master isn't here (and he's trying his dang hardest to sit ON ME. C'MON, CAT, QUIT IT). Cody is his usual black-panther self (more clingy lately), Mittens and Bunny have been fighting more lately, Jade's been perhaps a bit more insane than usual. Piper's gotten really thin and rickety lately--which is worrying and frustrating :( --she's just so old, and gone thru so much as a semi-feral; it's a miracle she's lived this long. She's just..not very healthy. The arthritis and stuff don't help either. And Koei is her odd little self, as usual. I gotta feed the lot of them pretty soon. Chips (the tortoise) is doing well--rather active and eating a lot. I'm planning his enclosure structure. And my few ducks (4 in number) are looking...pretty healthy, actually, out in their coops. 
Random note: I miss having a ball python. Maybe I'll get one again sometime soon. 
Inspirational snake!:
(YA SEE WHY?) :) 
dance/swim/bball --A composite, cause I'm trying to get this update DONE--
I did swim once last week, as well as coached once; let's just say that coaching went better than swimming did. A little frustrated with my swimming, to be honest; feels like I'm stuck/holding myself back. I dunno...Anyhow. 
Dance was ok--I did class Tuesday/Thursday. saw The Bean only on Thursday--but had a fair amount of fun. It was really only her and I in one of the classes, so we composed combos (and had fun poking at each other), as well as talking, embracing, etc.
me but not really
(I'd like to imagine, me and The Bean) *hrmphf*
Combined classes after that, and choreographed more combos, which was pretty fun. It was welcome, though, to have a fun side running like that. Helped distract me from my dancing--which, no surprise, I've been frustrated over too. Long story, I guess. I still sometimes contemplate stopping, ("mah glory days iz over??"), or giving up until I feel better about how I look/feel; but I...well, *can't* stop. It's a part of me, I feel like I'm called to keep doing it, and...yeah, like I said, complicated. The ability to dance, alone, is something I can't ever take for granted again (after 10 bone fractures, 3 concussions, and countless twists and sprains and pulls). #thots
Anywhat--so that was good and all, I suppose. Looking forwards to more. Basketball was a lotta fun--I could only make one practice, this past Friday, and it was kinda rough since I was sick...but worth it. The team's doing well, though I can see they'll have stuff to navigate and deal with (as any team does). And they've got a worthy leader in Malaysia--who I got to have a much-needed, long talk w/ afterwards. She's such a charm, and I'm so proud of her. :) We need to hang out soon--have coffee, do henna, make each other laugh (ooh, maybe feature her on mah blog!)..she's a gem. Red-headed, joyful, complex gem. 
pinterest: <a href="/kittymachine/" title="- ̗̀  アシュリー ̖́-">@- ̗̀  アシュリー ̖́-</a>
*fiddles with loving friend feels*
Other stuff of relative import--
*Did babysitting, as usual. Kiddies are crazy as ever (had to deal with some sassing/authority challenging), but it's better. Britt (fellow caretaker) and I are gonna try and get together for ice skating sometime next week (which we both love). 
*I'm currently undergoing a fair amount of discomfort, due to WISDOM TEETH SHOWING UP AND POKING MY MOUTH ROODELY. Anyhow, I'm gonna get an appointment to see if they need to come out--hopefully not, but it's cool if they do. Although I know my friends (chief among them being The Bean, Malaysia, and others) would love to see me coming off the drug high...*grumbles* #dontwannagoviral 
*I've got a lot of November goals: lose a certain amount of weight, update this bloggo twice/week (I still have to finish my Certain Proper Things posts, which have turned into a big long deal), exercise consistently/moar, get together with peoples, complete moar school stuff, get animal jobs really going...you get the idea. Stuff, stuff, stuff. Here goes. *slips on shades*

...Alrighty, time for weekly segments. (I rather enjoy these, not gonna lie)

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): I love to skate (specifically with rollers? rolls? skates that roll? *gives up*)...um, yeah. And I still really, really, REALLY want a nice pair of  roller skates. Size 11, classic build, prettiness is optional. Sometimes...ya just don't wanna walk or run or bike or whatever, ya know? Plus, it appeals to my vintage side. Either way, these ones are nice...
patins de menina meko:

Brain Fruit:   An old, kinda odd, random little thought about myself as I sat in the house working; "...just a jelly baby living in a gingerbread house". Maybe more like a sourpatch kid, or whatever, but the thought was kinda endearing. :) 
"I want you to have a jelly baby" by Chris Johnson; various products and prices:
#WHO #REFERENCE (had to edit dem hashtags cause all-together, those two made an almost unsavoury word ;-)
Mewsiks: Going along with my chill, possibly more honest and occasionally sad theme..."When Somebody Loved Me", from Toy Story 2, 'CAUSE ITS SAD AND REMINDS ME OF A FRIENDSHIP I LOST AND IT'S TOY STORY AND PIXAR IS MEAN TO MY HEART STRINGS AND I'VE CRIED TOO MANY TIMES OVER IT TO MENTION *flings pillow at laptop* You probably know it. It's THAT song. Not posting the scene too, since that'd push it just too far. *throws cat as well*
(listen if you dare)
Scripture: UGH. This just reminded me that I'm behind on my reading for the week... *sigh* An old favorite I think I spotted last week, though, from 2nd Timothy 2:22 : 
So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
..simultaneously a really good reminder to a young 'un like me, and a hopeful, thrilling call to something so much better and higher. #slayitpaul :)
Somethin Oo Occured: WENT TO A RELIENT K/SWITCHFOOT CONCERT THIS PAST SATURDAY WITH BIG BRO. No other way to express that, except in caps. It was truly epic. What is it about belting out music with a crowd of people and some of your favorite musicians?...I don't know, but I didn't bother too much with analyzing it. It was too incredible. Dual crossing off of items on dream list. See pic from Switchfoot's part of the show, below:
Displaying image000000.jpg
THE BEST. Music was really tight, awesomely balanced, crowd was really good, Relient K was hilarious and fun, Switchfoot too...and we had a proper awesome time. Worth remembering for a long time.  *does happy jig*
...This guy, though, comes up with such poignant, awesome snippets--the kind that make my chest hurt. This...just, this. It's one of my favorites, and encompasses such hope, joy, longing, and the bestest of best wishes I could ever offer. I'm...nearly tearing up as I read it again. *blinks*
T.B. LaBerge:
..THANK YOU, LABERGE *clutches chest*
Now that I'm recovered...barely...moving on--

Gimme a Visual: Well, this week's is *ingratiating smile* my snow leopard makeup from Sunday. Not actually as perfect as I'd envisioned (in my finicky, hazy artistic dreams)..but it was fun, and actually was pretty good. Used a new lash adhesive that REALLY worked out good...and overall enjoyed the artistic fun in this (taking it off, not so much)
Snow Leopard Makeup, credit: me (Vanna Wobblurs) #halloweenfun #notyourbasic #kitty (false lashes, liquid eyeliner, eyeshadow, contour/highlight, foundation, powder, concealer, dark lipstick, and mascara):

..also, random side note--got my nails did (toes AND hands) at a salon this past Saturday, too. Family friend was also having little birthday "pampering session" that I joined in on. Felt a bit odd, but good. Already have chipped a lot off, but it was fun while it lasted. (I'm too active for it to stay on indefinitely)

(crouching position, sorta lounging--I like this pose probably the best :)

Happy snow leopard! Ok, that's enough of that. It was fun, now moving on. 

Is That Really Funny?:  It's...really more cringe-worthy than anything...but anyhow. In honor of fellow (virtual) Trekkie friend, Bonnie, as well as my desire for more Trek.
ehehehehehehe *coughs* merherherher someone get RID OF TUMBLR IT'S SO BAD BUT YET uhuhuhu
Ok, almost done here...
Artsy Larksey: Weirdly simple...This neon banana sign.
Go bananas for this neon banana split neon light. A collaboration between Kip & Co and the new neon kids on the block, Electric Confetti. VERY VERY LIM:
*shrugs* idk, it's just...satisfying in some way. I kinda want one of my own now.  :-P
Aaand something to alternate with my Ugh category! (also cause I'm constantly messing with things and don't know when to leave well enough alone, and don't wanna look at anything ew right now)--
Nom: (i.e. edible or edibles I loik, want, appreciate, etc...you get the idea)
Ate a lot of fruit this weekend, so...unsurprisingly, blueberries. I seriously dig the little things in pie or cobbler, too (and muffins)..but cramming plain, fresh handfuls into your face kinda rocks too. (No, I'd never actually be so greedy, why dost thou insinuate such a charge)
Farb-und Stilberatung mit www.farben-reich.com:
*wipes blue stains off hands* 
srsly tho, feasting...*trails off into contemplation of berry dreams*

Alright, well, that's this blog post, FINALLY DONE. Good grief, it took too long--and I got a lot to do now. Spent today lying low, pretty much. Tackle this week like blueberry streusel coffeecake. #inspiration :D

Till later, y'all. Next installment coming soon. Life's a trip!


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