Just Roll With It (Intro)

So...Yeah, blog posts for the last week and a half didn't happen, in spite of some promises I faintly remember of "updating twice every week" or something I may or may not have made earlier...

Erk.  :-/
While there are many things I could (and would like to) blame, I can't...seem to recall many of them at this moment. (I blame that on it being 12:30 a.m. as I skimp this post together)
...gotta do this, gotta finish this, c'mon...
Anyhow, yeah, I was kinda busy, got sick at some point in there, etc etc etc. And you know what? I'm sorta reconciled to the fact now that I can't keep every single perfectionistic (or not) promise that I make to myself. Sometimes, things take a backseat, or shift around--and you roll (and deal) with it. Nice little life lesson there, all from not updating my blog...? B-)
very nice:
#doggo #borf #dankitydankness 
Ok, moving on--this past week was muy divertido, and so I'm not gonna fit it all in here. Moar reasons for that: I have an early morning of it tomorrow (and a long day in general), as well as scheduled surgical removal of my 3rd molars (gasp! the dreaded wisdom teeth! the source of my legendary powers and sagacity!)--so I need to kinda hit the hay soon. (but did the hay give informed consent tho #deep #itstoolate4dis)

it's a cold and it's a broken waluigi X-D #whyiseverythingsofunny
The upbeat to that? I'll be incapacitated (wait, that doesn't seem too upbeat, but hear me out), and therefore have lots of time to do/catch up on things--things that include my Bible reading (TRYING LORDY), art and literature reading and academic review, Star Trek (turns out we have Amazon Prime, so dis gurl is gone tHRO iT baCK for a few days), and dis blog. Sorta convenient, really, since I won't have much else I'll be able to do--so, to make up some odd, inexplicable, and unimportant balance in my head, I'll be posting stuff every day this week or so. No guarantees (gotta stick that in there), but I think it'll be good.
Till then, my dank friends (or not dank, if you feel insulted by that). Gotta get ready for babysitting manana en la manana (SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO GET TILDAS ON ME BLOG), surgery, and a hull lotta meds and boldly going where no one has gone before.

Hasta luego, pescados (ehehehhe) issgonebefuuun 



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