(t)rollin Continues + Proper Things Pt II? (maybe)

Welp, the (t)rollin continues, just like the blog keeps rolling.
Hey bOss
Merhehreherher ☝
(ok, yeah, I'm really enjoying the stupid titles I can continue to come up with in this trope)

...anyhow, yes. Here I sit, on le red leather couch (after valiantly resisting the urge to nap, multiple times *flexes*), with my top50 playlist filtering through a little speaker, and alternatively eating broccoli with mayonnaise (THE ONLY PROPER WAY TO EAT IT IN MY OPINION YES IT'S WEIRD NO I DON'T CARE), a blueberry-yoghurt-shake of sorts, and cheese sticks. Also running my tongue around my gums, which are feeling...well, I don't know, weird. (like the past 5 days, amirite)
--sorry. Problem, um, removed. Where was I?
Oh, yah--my empty tooth sockets are doing pretty good, I guess, but really annoying me with how tight and strange they feel after the swelling and pain and whatever's gone down. I've progessed from hazed out to confused and high to ultra sensitive to everything, doubtful of any actual pain cause my pain threshold's messed up, and now wierd tight annoyed feeling and wanting to be done already..Plus, the constant things getting stuck back there really is just...
Yeah, thx Data. Basically, that, plus the taste of stale dried blood and the sensation that your gums fell asleep on some nails. (what?) Still, I shouldn't complain too much--I can get these things removed, and recover, and all that jazz. And post-op really hasn't been that bad.
*peels cheez stick*
Let's see, what else went down? I said goodbye to Beff this morning (grateful for her chilling with me last night), after more art and semi-dozing while she waited for her sister to come pick her up. After dat, threw on some clothes, got Big Bro to hail me an Uber (ugh, sounds so privileged, huh), and went to see Ms. CJ (mom's hairdresser). We had fun, laughed and chatted while she did mah weave up (snherk) for Mexico--went with a blown-out, French-braided sort of twist around to the back; practical, should last awhile/thru travelling, and will look good when I finally do take it down and style it.

(a bit like this, but more to the side with one braid, etc.)
After that, hitched another Uber to the company's Nutcracker rehearsals (it was that, or stay at home with the cats and drugs and be bored. Also, I wanted to see the gang before I head off to Mexico)...
which was good. The Bean and I were reunited, I saw/talked Trek with Tardiszilla (perhaps a little bit too animatedly--I did have a bit of narc left in my system... *sigh*), watched rehearsals run...which look vurra nice (and improved, as always). I look forward to watching them hit it out of the park (especially The Bean as The Queen oOOH THAT WAS GOOD THE BEAN SNOW QUEEN HEHEHE)
...um, k, torrid punses aside, it was fun. That was pretty much my day (found an Uber home, obviously)--looking forward to normality and catching up in various areas of la vida (my spiritual life, as well as matters of workouts, academe, and...other things I don't wish to recall right now, are kind of a mess, and I look forward to structuring again), and OH BOI I NEED TO GET READY FOR MEXICO WHEEEE JUST HIT ME THAT I'M GOING IN 3 DAYS O.o

...but, I'm still gonna enjoy these last days of relaxation. And drugs. (that sounded wierd, my dudes)
my name is than. it's like "jonathan," but shorter:
!!!! *angstily regrets putting guava with seeds in shake* !!!!
...so yah. Also, since I've started organizing my brain, I've started getting so.many.much prolific thots.
(someone throw together a doge meme for that, plz)
i want believe doge. I dont even know what I'm looking at. To describe this most appropriately: "wow".
...but really. Choreography, deep stuff, random ideas--popping in and out of my head like pills.
(eugh bad metaphor we really need to quit it with the dRUGS HERE BISCUITS)
Lots of (undoubtedly) brilliant ideas and things I've jotted down (and will go back to later)...so it's nice to feel my brain get back online a bit. Anyhow, yeah, that's sufficient updating--I really wanna go watch some Star Trek soon, so I'm gonna finish my LASSST weekly segment (it literally took me a week to get through them all. Wow.), then maybe do Part II of that Proper-Someday-Whatever blog thing I haven't finished yet *deeper sigh than usual*...
Somethin Oo Occured: This installment (which was technically last Friday) = The Bean's Sweet 16 Birthday Party! *eats confetti excitedly* No, for real, it was her BIRTHDAY, which is a BIGGGGGG DEALLL (and I did my best to make it thus; multiple birthday posts, collages, snapchat stories, texts, a slideshow, and a terrible song cover were part of these efforts, yes...)! Between her, trekkie friend Captain B. (whom I fINALLY GOT TO MEET FACE TO FACE YAY), and several other fun and interesting girls (I had a good time analyzing and figuring them out, fascinating squad), and me of course, we had a jolly fun time together--did an adventure room sort of thingy that wAS SORTA HIGH STRESS BUT STILL FUN, ate out at an asian bistro, talked a lot about Trek (that was actually mostly just Captain B and I #oops), hung out, ate cake, opened presents, talked, did other things I can't recall (c'MON MEMORY), and had fun (plus maybe a few hours of sleep). She said it was thoroughly a good time, and seemed to like her presents (which meant a lot to me--it was quite the process, like most of my gift-giving), so I was happy (and tired by the next morning). It was worth stowing away in the memory archives, for sure. :)
So, yeah. Fun fun fun fun fun (in quantities, like meds). Gonna go do some Trek, think about what I want to eat for our personal family Thanksgiving party tomorrow (exclusively what we want/feel like eating, wheee!), etc. It's rad (and I'm tired). We'll see about that Proper-things post.
<a class="pintag searchlink" data-query="%23sweg" data-type="hashtag" href="/search/?q=%23sweg&rs=hashtag" rel="nofollow" title="#sweg search Pinterest">#sweg</a> - you gotta love spoderman!!

Till next time--



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