Let's Roll With It (why "we?")

**Intro to blog, from yesterday night, that was too good to throw out, and because I can't think of a better way to start off** :)
LLAP. Welp, here I sit, engrossed in one of the BEST episodes of Star Trek ever: "The Omega Glory". Seriously, watch it. It's one of the best out there--lighting, plot, hilarious moments between the Big Three (Spock-Kirk-Bones)...
McCoy, Kirk and Spock.:
and to think I almost missed it. #thxmom #latenights
Star Trek:
*takes 2-hour break to watch a couple more episodes*
Kirk gives it two thumbs up. Spock & McCoy aren't quite so sure...
*starts out of slobbery daze* "where was I? Also, whose HORRIBLE IDEA WAS IT TO HIJACK THE 3RD SEASON OF TOS AND RUIN EVERYTHING--" *checks watch* holy moly, it's laaate #past1am
Captain Kirk (okay, William Shatner)
--ay, keptin. Yorr right. *sigh* On with the blog post--oh, and s/o to mom for watching with me, and making excellent episode suggestions. Love you, mumses. :)

...so, this post was supposed to go up yesterday, but...well, watching Trek till 2 am kinda got in the way of that. I'll keep the intro, though, cause I'm lazy no use in wasting something perfectly good. Might as well make this post about yesterday, I guess? Yeah, let's do that.

Anyhow, yeah--so Wednesday was pretty interesting, yet uneventful, I guess. I was a tad sore in the mouth--can feel the flappy holes in the sides of my mouth, but what *actually* bothers me is where the local blocks were put in. #ow
Anyways, I've lost some weight from limited food intake/activity level *fervently wishes it would last*, gotten the occasional blood taste in my mouth (nasty, but whatever)--but it's really pretty good. I've started getting used to the pain (which makes medicating a tad tricky), so now we play that how-bad-is-it hokey pokey game. (still need narcs at night, though)
I've consumed...a lot of different things. Dad was a dear and brought me cookie dough ice cream AND chocolate ice cream. My response? To dig out and consume the cold cookie dough lumps #soothing -- and make a ginormous milkshake to watch Star Trek over. (as is obvious by this intro) I've also eaten mashed potatoes, squash soup, cheese sticks, and...um...maybe some stale Oreos that I really wanted? Don't kill me, plz, I *did* really want them, and they were for The Bean, but they would've sat for too long to be any good.
how i feel going to urban outfitters
don't judge me you
SPEAKING of The Bean...she's been a proper good doctor bean friend (or as best as can be considering how crazy busy and separated from each other we are). She's dealt with me being like this on my drugs:
when u stick your hand under the table... WHAT IS THIS MESS MY GOSH
*deletes entire text conversation from the past week*
...as well as made sure that I don't do anything too stupid or get lonely or whatever, and listened to me blather (once again, I don't want to know what I've said, cause it's probably been crazy)
when people don't know shakespeare
(her listening to me) *thanx for being friend, Bean*

...where was I? Oh, yes--I, um, ate lots of things; decidedly didn't eat split pea soup (which mom had made, but I secretly detest and loathe and regard with horror. Dad was nice, and ate most of it, and I avoided the rest by focusing on the squash soup. Thanks though, mom) Also, I think I ate a sugar-free York Patty in there somewhere...and it was good. I just got really hungry at some point or another, and started consuming anything possible. ☺

Also, SPECIAL NOTE: I REALLY REALLY LIKE AND WANT DOUBLE STUF MINT OREOS. Those were...um, the ones meant for The Bean--but I ate them, as mentioned, and now my mind is blown. I've always loved Oreos, but...wow. I have to find a way to get them. HAVE to. *twitches*
Ok, ok, back to -- whatever. I was gonna do a recap of my Sunday/Monday recollections, but I', fast losing determination. Sunday--I powered through Summit Kids (which was basically Me vs. 15ish 2nd graders cause liTERALLY NONE OF THE OTHER VOLUNTEERS MADE IT which wasn't their fault I suppose it happens but still it was a battle)... in part, thanks to the sugar high from the cupcakes some LOVELY person left in the volunteer room for battle-grizzled warbirds like me.
YOU are the hero, whoever you are. My greatest thanks *wipes a tear*
So, yeah, did that (and MADE IT, thanks be to God), then went ice skating with a babysitting coworker (see cheesing below):
...also, I was SOOOO rusty....it was embarrassing. I started catching back on near the end--and only fell once (but flailed awkwardly a thousand times). Hoofee.
After that, hit up NCSU family group (which was ok, I wasn't in the best mood), went home, did Sunday chores, and hit the hay. Monday was basically me cleaning the house (cause I knew I wouldn't feel like it after surgery), getting ready/psyched for the surgery itself, and...yeah. That pretty much brings me up to speed. Whee.
keys of shadow & light
my motivation to finish this be like 

...Since I'm going to update more later, I'll just stick a few more of my weekly segments on here, and call it a draw until the next post. (I also want to nap, so there)

Brain Fruit: I was resurrecting my Twitter account (it's been awhile, and not something I use a ton)--and I was confronted by a thought: "so cotton candy is unicorn innards?" trite, but...let's roll with it. That seems to be the theme of these blog posts, and this week in general. *sigh*

SO MUCH I NEED TO OR SHOULD BE DOING UGH *kicks anxiousness off balcony*

Lit Bit: --because I was into the hero theme this week, and thinking of Captain America. (one of my top heroes) <3

Which brings us back to the hero's shoulders and a gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.:
...I really rEALLY like this quote, dagnabbit, but I CAN'T find the AUTHOR. WHO??!? It's so good.
Gimme a Visual: In keeping with (a) this week's theme of Star Trek, and (b) The Bean and I, here's a lovely, candid, off-camera on-set pic from TOS:
Smiley Spock:
d'AWWWWWWWW ok yes I SWEAR I'm done ok bye

...and, without further ado, that concludes this post. Feels like a mess (ayyy just like me)--but I don't trust my judgement too much on this right now, being post-op and all.

- ̗̀ @artsyautumn ̖́-:
well hey existentialism good to see you back again sorry no the blog post has no room for you bye
--More later. All the best.



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