A Different Sort of Grateful

Inundations of gratitude--an accurate descriptor of my life at most times. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

(obligatory pretty gif, cause this is gonna be a nice post, I swear)

Here I am, tippy-tapping away with a laptop (crazy, how I can have one endowed with access to so much), with my casual clothing and face recently wiped of makeup (wowza, I have the skill AND means to enjoy and use those?) and messy hair (which I, once again, have and like in its messy brown biracial unpredictability), having eaten an incredible meal with brilliant, intelligent people while listening to lovely music on a rooftop in Mexico...
I could go on, but--oh, laying it on a bit thick, am I? Yeah, that's kind of the point. HAUUUDDD up raht there, yeah, this looked like it was gonna be another semi-sentimental, attempting-to-be-whimsical-and-fresh Thanksgiving post, ey?
Is this a problem?
*SHCNAP* herherher
...Not that I have anything at all against those types of posts; in fact, I've seen (and enjoyed) a lot of them for a long time. This won't be that, though--ok, yeah, some sentimentality might show up (and maybe a lil dankness--jes a leetle?), but it's more just a bunch of quick (because I have another busy day tomorrow), random thoughts and perspectives on Thanksgiving, and giving thanks, and...all that jazz, from my hotel room in Mexico, as my favorite music courses through my earbuds. Whoop de doo. Got ya there, did I? ๐Ÿ˜Ž
MFW I get a B+ on a test I thought I failed (click link for gif)
(prolly didn't but whatever, entertain my follies)
*oh, and my thorough post about how Mexico's gone won't be till later--this is just mah tanksgivin related update. Details at 11 (i.e. the real scoop will happen at some time other than now); suffice it to say that it's been crazy, exhausting, exciting, confusing, and a whole lot of fun and adventure. Something I'm definitely grateful for.*
"Jim pay attention--" "But the world is so beautiful, Spock..."

--back to our regularly schezzled program--as I post this from Mexico, away from home and family and all the things we associate with Thanksgiving--perhaps that's the first point I wish to launch myself off of.
Truth be told, I woke up this morning missing Thanksgiving. The food, the day as a holiday (it ain't one here), being in that familiar grateful family atmosphere, the food, the joy, bladdity blah blah blah. Yeah, I missed it, and felt the absence of it. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", or whatever. I will say that it gave me a different perspective on it; as, indeed, have most trials and changes and separations in my life. (wheeee, life lessons, que divertido!) Even if I don't like it--I appreciate it. Perhaps that's one of the different types of gratitude I'm referring to *gun points to blog title*

And that gratitude--why just at this point of the year? Common complaint, maybe, but I find that it's hard to not be inundated with gratitude and wonder by everything in life. Sure, we lose sight of that sometimes, but I've found that as time goes on, it gets harder and harder not to do that. Also, what about the relationship between thankfulness and wonder? Something I'd like to explore more sometime.
*checks watch*
Oh, and also--I spent the few chances I had today in more of a quiet gratitude, not posting or throwing up pictures or whatever (social media is cool and all but still)--and realized that my heart of gratitude is getting better. Yeah, I mess up, but I still am constantly humbled by and grateful for the riches the Lord has given me. And the dark as well as the light--somehow, I wouldn't be who I am today, without what I have in both of those areas.

--Which isn't something we usually reference at Thanksgiving--mostly, we just get cursory references where we lump the good and bad together as "mostly worth it" or as something to forget because of the joy in front of us right now. And I'm all for that, don't get me wrong.
It's just that...I find, as time passes, that the nuances and complicated, even heavy or dark parts of life make it so much more living. While saying that, though, I of course don't enjoy evil--and I look eagerly forward to that day when it is eradicated. And I do have a tendency to make myself to comfortable, too accustomed to it, at times. And yet, with those caveats--there's such a beauty that's come through the difficult, even horrible parts of my life (of which there have been many). It makes this life poignant; realistic; grounded, truthful, and makes me treasure so many things so much more. Most importantly, it makes hope something even greater than I ever could see just in the face of shallow happiness and occasional struggle--in the face of eternity, pain, and so many other things, I seek the answers to so much, and find those in God. And gratitude, ultimately, does have an object; sometimes other people, or things, or even events, in a horizontal sort of way. But that gratitude's object for me, ultimately, is...God. A God that I find not far off (as so many things can be) or doubtful, but near to me, living, breathing, and burningly alive.

*break to try and comprehend the incredible truth of that, and how much more could be said here* 

Well...how, to quote Relient K, "The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair". And it does. Life is no longer fair for me--it's crazy, a gift of hugest proportions, a chance at so much more that I constantly double-check at. I hope that never ceases, and becomes more of a reality--that I start to live life accordingly.
keys of shadow & light
I have to check out now--it's late, and as I said, I have a lot on my plate tomorrow--but those were just some of my scatterbrained bits. Finally--

I am grateful...to exist. That God created me as He did, with so many things I still don't understand. That there is a point to life, found in Christ. That's...the first, the most, to me.
It Is Finished
...And there are several other big things to pass in mentioning, especially in their absence :)

a few tings:
*the adults who've invested so much in me
*the family I have that's still here
*the friends I've had, still have, and yet will
*the treats in life, both mundane and special
*animales y plantas y all the created things around
*activities I love, like dance, basketball, swim, music, art...the list could go on
*places I've been, people I've seen, lives I've skipped through
*and, my life thus far


....well, nothing crazy, but those were my Thanksgiving thoughts. Goodnight, and I hope that it was a good Day of Thanks for you. All the best. ๐Ÿ˜‰
๐Ÿ’ซHasta Luego--๐Ÿ’ซ


why does this look like me when i was 9 seriously:
--ok sorry I'm done--


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